Dedicated To Samantha, My Favorite Atiny
Sand, why'd it have to be sand. I would have preferred a bog full of smelly moss. But no, it had to be sand. And it was scorching hot sand, too.
At least I wasn't in the sand for the time being. My current situation wasn't much better.
I was stuck backward riding on a camel, tied to my captor. The one who captured me was a massive man, almost as big as the camel and smelled about the same. Not that I minded, I was used to stinking and being surrounded by stink.
I squirmed in my bindings, half trying to get a little more comfortable and half trying to get my body away from him.
My jailer's gruff voice came quickly. "No use. Stay still." He managed to kick his boot into my leg. How? I wasn't sure.
Giving in to the stubborn spirit that got me into this mess in the first place, I continued to move and writhe my body.
After what seemed like hours on the backs of the camel and the captor who was almost a camel, we arrived at "the place" as my jailer referred to it. I was beginning to think he wasn't too bright.
While I was still caught up in thinking about my captor's brain powers, I hadn't noticed the group of other men that had come to assist my man. All of them appeared as big and brawny as the first one I had had the pleasure of meeting.
I watch them trade payments as well as trinkets my jailer had brought back. While they all seemed distracted, I worked on cutting the ropes that held me. They had checked me for weapons when they first picked me up but forgot to keep their own weapons out of reach. Oh well!
There! I cut through, but I could see that the group was started to disperse. Unfortunately, that meant the attention was turning towards me.
"Hello, boys. Nice to see you all came out to greet me!" I called out in my cheeriest voice.
"Shut up, water scum," was their response.
"Alrighty, I guess I'll just be going then. As I'm clearly not wanted here." Lithe as one of my mousing cats, I jumped down from the camel and waved. I managed to snag one of the bags of rations as I turned to run into the sand. Clearly, this was their first time kidnapping, as they left all of their supplies on the camel.
Then, slinging my stolen bag over my shoulder, I was running. When I dared look over my shoulder the looks of shock were honestly enough of a reward I was willing to be stuck in the sand for the next few days. They didn't even try to chase me! And I quickly found out why.
Apparently, running in sand was hard. Really hard. I made it over just two dunes before my strength left me and I collapsed into the scorching sand.
"That's strange," I thought. "Sand shouldn't be this hard to run in." I picked up my hand, examining the specks that stuck to my hand. I had seen many different types of sand tracked onto my ship. But these grains looked strange and completely different than anything I'd ever seen. They were green in color and they all seemed to be a uniform square shape. I scooped up a handful of the sand, checking for more of the green particles. And when I looked, I saw something more disturbing than anything I could have imagined. The green sands were not only strangely shaped but they were also taking over regular sand, turning normal sand from brown to green.
Dropping the sand immediately and standing, I tried to get all the sand I could off, fearing that I'd be next to be turned green. I needed to get out of here, as quickly as possible.
Okay. Okay. Okay. I got this, now think. I was spinning around in the sand, almost shaking with anxiety and nervous energy. I was SO completely out of my element.
Then, it hit me. Sand, and deserts, were just dry oceans. Oceans are my thing. All I needed was a ship. And I knew just where to get my desert ship.
Watching people walk around aimlessly got boring, really really fast. If only I hadn't tried to fit one more lot of crates into my ship. I could still be on my ship, with my crew, with the winds and the storms. No. I shook my head. I had to focus.
It had taken me hours to walk the same sand I'd traveled over just days before. I think that the weird green sands were draining me of more energy now that I knew they existed. I was still thinking about the strange properties of green sand when a shout from my captor's camp brought me back to reality.
"You there! New boy, are we ready to go?" The burly man I had guessed was the leader was now shouting a variety of orders around the camp.
Here was my chance, to sneak just one camel away and then travel a day or two behind them, making them lead me back to the port. Or if that didn't work, go the exact opposite direction.
I moved slowly towards the corral where the camels were kept, keeping my eyes on the group of bandits. Just like when I had escaped, they weren't paying attention to their surroundings.
Low to the ground, I slipped into the camel pen. The camels barely opened their eyes to see the intruder, probably because I left as quickly as I came.
There, in the makeshift closet, hanging on the wall was one of the few items I always carried with me. My carpet.
I stood to grab it off the hook when the door was swung open. I whirled around. It was the new boy the bandits had been bossing around.
He looked as surprised as me. "Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Okay, I'll let you in a secret. This carpet," I gestured to my carpet, still hanging off the hook, "will take us anywhere we want. And now that I've told you, I'm going to have to kill you."
The new kid's eyes widened, "please. I'm begging you, don't kill me."
"Convince me not to." I flicked my wrist, bringing the stolen knife into my hand.
I didn't think it possible, but the kid's eyes widened even more. He was just stammering now. I would feel awful killing this kid or even tying him up. I'm sure the other bandits would not be kind to him once they saw the carpet had been stolen.
After a moment more, I gave into my pity. "Say, kid. What's your name?"
"S-san. My name is San."
"Alright, San. What would you say if I offered to take you with me on my fancy carpet?" As I offered this to the kid, I stuck my knife into the wall and reached to pull the carpet down. "I could use a new deckhand."
"Please, I'll do anything." The kid, San apparently, regained his voice enough to answer.
"Perfect," I turned, tossed the carpet to the floor and sat down. "Hop on, San."
He obeyed without question and I commanded the carpet to fly us back to my ship. Finally.
We burst out of the closet, making enough noise to startle the bandits. I threw back my head and laughed. I felt San give a half-hearted wave before tightening his grip on the edges of the carpet.
As we flew up into the bright blue desert sky, I shouted a question back to San. "Will you be my friend?"
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