During a normal bluebird box check, I sadly spotted a dead American Crow by the side of the road. It had most likely been hit by a car. Across the street was a group of about four more American Crows, they watched me and my mom pick up the crow and move it under a pine tree. We were planning on taking it down to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, but we did not have any bags to put it in and the fact that there were already maggots, we decided to leave it, but move it out of the road. When arrived at our next set of boxes we realized that at least two of the crows had followed us. We continued to check our boxes, keeping an eye out behind us to see how long the crows would follow us. In the end, the crows followed us almost out onto the highway, but stopped in a large copse of trees and cawed after us. It will be interesting to go back next week and see if they follow us around again.
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