Today was the second year in a row that Master Bander Meredith McBurney came to my house to band bird as part of Neighborhood Nestwatch. If you don't know what Neighborhood Nestwatch is, here is the official website.
smithsonianneighborhoodnestwatch We caught six birds this year, double the amount last year. Here's a rundown of what we caught, three House Finches, one Lesser Goldfinch, one Red-Breasted Nuthatch, and one Spotted Towhee.
This is our first bird of the morning, the Lesser Goldfinch.
Here is a male House Finch, being show around to some of the kids we invited over for the occasion.
It was so much fun to have a Master Bander over at my house and to see her in action, in my own backyard. It will be fun to see if the birds we banded today stick around for a while or disappear without a trace.
Happy flying!
I liked the house finch. I will get you a photo of the birds that are nesting in the birdhouse you gave us. The baby ducks are growing fast. We have 3 adults ducks and 4 baby that come by 2 - 3 times per day to eat the corn we put out for them.